"Chimney Rock (quarry in back) (1964)
Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
I lived in south Bound Brook for a couple of years. (Author: John Medici)
"Chimney Rock (quarry in back
"Christmas tree ore" (rarified zinc ore)
Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USA
18 cm wide
Two types of this ore adjacent to one another - collected by Dick Hauck et al., 2012. (SW UV) (Author: John Medici)
"Christmas tree ore" (ra
"Mt. Fuji" pocket (2005)
Graves Mt., Lincoln Co., Georgia
35 cm field of view (Author: John Medici)
"Mt. Fuji" pocket (2005)
"Ruby Jack" Sphalerite with Marcasite and Pyrite
Picher Field, Tri-State District, Ottawa County, Oklahoma USA
Mined about 1959
Former Folch duplicates collection
Specimen size: 10.8 × 8.3 × 2.9 cm.
Main crystal size: 3.6 × 2.9 cm.
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
"Ruby Jack" Sphalerite w
"Turdrock" as my wife calls it!!!! Hematite from Iron Mountain #2, Dona Ana County, NM. About 5 cm. (Author: Darren)
"Turdrock" as my wife ca
"turgite" (goethite/hematite)
Graves Mt., GA
around 6 cm across (Author: John Medici)
"turgite" (goethite/hema
’Devil’s Slide’ - Lundy Island’s most famous rock climb goes up the inclined slab of granite; the climb is approx. 400ft (120m). On this day the wind was near hurricane force, and the waves were enormous - so unsurprisingly we didn’t climb it ! (Author: Mike Wood)
’Devil’s Slide’
South Crofty Mine, Valley shaft, Pool, Camborne - Redruth - Saint Day District, Cornwall, England / United Kingdom
(Author: markbeckett)
-Field and stream geodes for sale at a recent Bloomington rock show (Author: Bob Harman)
-Field and stream geodes for sale
033 Epidote Green Monster A2.JPG (Author: Matt_Zukowski)
033 Epidote Green Monster A2.JPG
1.3-mm sphalerite. Bluffton Stone Co. quarry, Bluffton, Allen Co., Ohio. (Author: John Jaszczak)
1.3-mm sphalerite. Bluffton Stone
100_06792.jpg (Author: Grant Gibson)
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3.jpg (Author: Andy Lawton)
4-14-11 Emeralds.JPG (Author: Rich Olsen)
4-14-11 Emeralds.JPG
7cm X 4 cm, collected in the fall of 1978. . The label is self-explanatory. What makes this crystal so unique is the trigon on the main face of the crystal. the trigon is 20mm X 15 mm, as demonstrated in the following photograph. (Author: Ed Huskinson)
7cm X 4 cm, collected in the fall
A 'crosscourse' vein
Penlee Quarry, Mousehole, Penzance Civil Parish, Cornwall, England / United Kingdom
a few metres (Author: markbeckett)
A 'crosscourse' vein
Penlee Qu
A 'crosscourse' vein
Penlee Quarry, Mousehole, Penzance Civil Parish, Cornwall, England / United Kingdom
a few metres width (Author: markbeckett)
A 'crosscourse' vein
Penlee Qu
A clearer shot of the same specimen, finger for scale. The specimens from this pocket were characterized by tiny distorted (almost spinel-twinned) late stage clear crystals that grew on and near the tips of the octahedrons. (Author: Ed Huskinson)
A clearer shot of the same specime
A final view of the cubic "backside’ of the specimen. (Author: Ed Huskinson)
A final view of the cubic "ba
A larger veiw of one of the crystals. FOV 4 mm. (Author: Jim Prentiss)
A larger veiw of one of the crysta
A little Zippeite from the JAckpot Mine, Laguna Dostrict, Cibola County, New Mexico. Field of view a little over an inch (2.54cm). (Author: Jim Prentiss)
A little Zippeite from the JAckpo
A mineralogical trip through the states of USA.jpg (Author: Jordi Fabre)
A mineralogical trip through the s
Rogerley Mine, Sutcliffe vein, Frosterley, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham, England / United Kingdom
(Author: Jesse Fisher)
A view of the western extension of
A wonderful quartz group from a coal mine! Reading Anthracite mine, near St. Clair, Schuykill Co. 9 cm across. (Author: John S. White)
A wonderful quartz group from a co
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
Specimen size ~ 8 cm (Author: Tobi)
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, G
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
Specimen size ~ 9 cm (Author: Tobi)
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, G
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
Specimen size ~ 12 cm (Author: Tobi)
Acanthite paramorph after argentite
Himmelfahrt Mine, Freiberg, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, G
Acanthite pseudomorph after Argentite
Masaloni Mine, San Vito, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
52 x 30 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Acanthite pseudomorph after Argentite
Masaloni Mine, San Vito, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegn
Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
Specimen size ~ 6 cm (Author: Tobi)
Freiberg District, E
Masaloni Mine, San Vito, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
18 x 10,3 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Masaloni Mine, San V
Masaloni Mine, San Vito, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
18 x 10,3 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Masaloni Mine, San V
Actinolite-Tremolite Series
Chelmsford lime Quarries, Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
5 cm (Author: NellsRocks)
Actinolite-Tremolite Series
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill, Deep Creek Mountains, Tooele County, Utah, USA
6.0cm x 3.8 cm (Author: rweaver)
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill,
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill, Deep Creek Mountains, Tooele County, Utah
Specimen size: 4.4 × 3.7 × 3.3 cm.
Main crystal size: 0.2 × 0.1 cm.
Fluorescent long & short UV
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Gold Hill Mine, G
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, USA
8"x6"x3.25" 5.7lb. (Author: paulybrina)
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, U
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, USA
6.75"x4.75"x2.5" 2.7lb. (Author: paulybrina)
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, U
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, USA
4.75"x3.25"x2.5" 1.2lb. (Author: paulybrina)
Biggs/Owyhee area, Oregon, U
Karrenberg quarry, Reichweiler, Hunsrück, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
6 x 4 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Karrenberg quarry, Reichweil
Scotland, UK
7 x 4cm (Author: James)
Scotland, UK
7 x 4cm
Scotland, UK
7 x 5 cm (Author: James)
Scotland, UK
7 x 5 cm
Dittmannsdorf Quarry, Penig, Mittelsachsen, Granulitgebirge, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
4,5 x 4 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Dittmannsdorf Quarry, Pe
New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Little Ajo Mountains, Ajo District, Pima County, Arizona, USA
6.4cm x 4.4cm (Author: rweaver)
New Cornelia Mine, Ajo,
Al Cherepon and Gordan May at the entrance to the Kelly Mine. (Author: Paul Bordovsky)
Al Cherepon and Gordan May at the
Albite from Enosburg Falls Stone Quarry, Enosburgh, Franklin County, Vermont.
Photos from Joe Budd (Author: John S. White)
Albite from Enosb
Photos from Joe B
Albite var. pericline coated with chlorite
Tilcon Quarry, Acushnet, Massachusetts, USA
5.6 x 7.2 cm. (Author: crosstimber)
Albite var. peric
Tilcon Quarry, A
Allanite-ce, from Lincoln County, NM. Sold to me for 50 cents as a quartz piece. The Allanite group is just under 1 cm. (Author: Darren)
Allanite-ce, from Lincoln County,
Germsbach, Baden-Baden, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
7 x 4,5 cm
About 1850 Germsbach was a well-known German locality for Allophane. Today... (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Germsbach, Baden-Baden,
Juanita Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro County, New Mexico, USA
8.3 x 6.4 cm
A mineral not commonly seen from this locality (Author: Philip Simmons)
Juanita Mine, Magdalena
Ansprung, Zöblitz, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
2 cm crystal (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Ansprung, Zöblitz, Erzge
Almandine Garnet
Green´s Farm / Roxbury, Litchfield Co, Connecticut, USA
7x5 cm (Author: panchito28)
Almandine Garnet
Green´s Farm / Ro
Almandine Garnet
Russell, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, USA
Crystal size: 4x3 cm. (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Almandine Garnet
Russell, Hampden
Almandine in white plagioclase. Woodlawn Quarry, Wilmington, New Castle Co., Delaware, USA (Author: Turbo)
Almandine in white plagioclase. W
Almandine with Magnetite on Chlorite Schist
Sedalia Mine
Sedalia District
Chaffee County, Colorado
United States of America
23.0 x 12.0 cm overall
12.0 cm Garnet
This specimen is circa 1910. (Author: GneissWare)
Almandine with Ma
Sedalia Mine
Lake Martin
Tallapoosa County, Alabama
15 cm overall (Author: GneissWare)
Lake Martin
Russell, Massachusetts, USA
5.4 x 6.7 cm. (Author: crosstimber)
Russell, Massachu
Garnet Hill, Ely, Robinson District, White Pine County, Nevada, USA
Specimen height 4 cm, almandine crystal 9 mm (Author: Tobi)
Garnet Hill, Ely, Ro
Alstonite on Barite
Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England, UK
8 cm across (Author: Jesse Fisher)
Alstonite on Barite
Brownley Hill
AL_Fluorite_Back.jpg (Author: am mizunaka)
Hilbersdorf quarry, Königshain, Görlitz, Upper Lusatia, Saxony, Germany
8,5 x 6 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Hilbersdorf quarry, Köni
Thorwaldsenstraße, Steglitz, Berlin, Germany
5,2 x 2,6 cm
Found in the late 1970s during the construction of a house. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Thorwaldsenstraße, Steglitz,
Limestone quarries, Stienitzsee Lake, Rüdersdorf, Märkisch-Oderland, Brandenburg, Germany
4,5 x 4 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Limestone quarries, Stie
Postfenn Pit, Grunewald, Berlin, Germany
4 x 3,5 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Postfenn Pit, Grunewald,
Espenhain coal pit, Espenhain, Leipzig District, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
8,5 x 3,5 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Espenhain coal pit, Espe
Heidelbach, Purschenstein, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
4 x 3,5 cm
The legendary "Purschenstein amethyst", a Saxonian rarity. The colour of that material is distinctive. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Heidelbach, Purschenstein
Amethyst and Quartz
Denny Mountain, King Co., Washington
5.7 x 4.5 cm. (Author: am mizunaka)
Amethyst and Quar
Denny Mountain, K
Amethyst on Quartz
Jacksons Crossroads, Wilkes Co., Georgia
Specimen size 8 x 6 cm. (Author: am mizunaka)
Amethyst on Quart
Jacksons Crossroa
Aggregate Quarry, Wrentham, Massachusetts, USA
3x4 cm. (Author: vic rzonca)
Aggregate Quarry,
Charlies Creek, Town Co., Georgia
Specimen size 6 x 4.1 x 3 cm. (Author: am mizunaka)
Charlies Creek, T
Jackson’s Crossroads, Wilkes Co., Georgia
Specimen size 8.9 x 5.7 cm. (Author: am mizunaka)
Jackson’s C
An inusual locality for Gold, one of te more usual highlights of Nevada.
Gold on Quartz
Lizard Ridge Mine, Ten Mile District, Winnemuca, Nevada USA
Mined in August 1995
Specimen size: 5.6 × 4.9 × 3 cm.
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
An inusual locality for Gold, one
Diekmann clay pit, Duingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
30 x 17 cm, crystals up to 2 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Diekmann clay pit, Duinge
Duingen Clay Pit, Alfeld, Lower Saxony, Germany
5 x 3,5 cm
Collection & Photo: Tobias Martin (Author: Tobi)
Duingen Clay Pit, Alfeld,
Upper New Street quarry, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
3.8 x 3.8 cm
2.5 cm analcime crystal with albite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Upper New Street quarry,
Analcime & laumontite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
4.7 x 3.8 cm
A 3.5 cm analcime crystal with laumontite and calcite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Analcime & laumontite
Analcime and calcite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
9.3 x 5.9 cm
Analcime crystals to 3.1 cm with calcite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Analcime and calcite
Prospect Park
Analcime and Pectolite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
10.6 x 9.1 cm (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Analcime and Pectolite
Analcime on Fluorite
Sharon Claims, Esmeralda County, Nevada, USA
Analcime size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm.
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Analcime on Fluorite
Sharon Claims
Analcime on Fluorite
Sharon Claims, Esmeralda County, Nevada, USA
Specimen size: 3.5 × 1.9 × 1 cm.
Analcime size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm.
Extremely fluorescent long & short UV
Former collection of Jan Buma. Number 020619
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Analcime on Fluorite
Sharon Claims
Analcime with Apophyllite
Cornwall Mines, Cornwall, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania USA
Specimen size: 9.9 × 7.1 × 4.2 cm.
Main crystal size: 1 × 1 cm.
Former Ernie Schlichter colection
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Analcime with Apophyllite
Analcime. Little Salmon River, Idaho Co. 5,5 x 4 cm. (Author: Antonio Alcaide)
Analcime. Little Salmon River, Ida
Bohemian Mine,
Houghton, Michigan
5.0cm x 3.2cm (Author: rweaver)
Bohemian Mine,
Knife River, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA
The specimen is about 7.5 X 8 X 6 cm.
Field of view is about 3.5 cm (Author: John Nash)
Knife River, St.
Knife River, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA
The specimen is about 7.5 X 8 X 6 cm.
The analcite crystals are quite small, only about 2mm. See the close-up. (Author: John Nash)
Knife River, St.
Crastu Muradu Quarry, Osilo, Sassari Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
63 c 42 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Crastu Muradu Quarry,
Iscoba Mountain, Nulvi, Sassari Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
50,6 x 49 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Iscoba Mountain, Nulv
Iscoba Mountain, Nulvi, Sassari Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
50,6 x 49 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Iscoba Mountain, Nulv
Monte Oladri Quarries, Monastir, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
74 x 46 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monte Oladri Quarries
Monastir, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
68 x 64 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monastir, Metropolita
Iscoba Mountain, Nulvi, Sassari Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
41 x 29 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Iscoba Mountain, Nulv
Twll Maen Grisial, Prenteg, Gwynedd, Wales, UK
crystal 4mm (Author: ian jones)
Twll Maen Grisial, Prenteg
Anatase with pink feldspar.
Shap Pink Quarry, Shap, Cumbria, England, UK.
ca 1 mm crystal on 18 mm specimen. (Author: Ru Smith)
Anatase with pink feldspar.
Shap P
and its historical label (Author: Jordi Fabre)
and its historical label
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
5 inches long (Author: NellsRocks)
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts,
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
5 inches long (Author: NellsRocks)
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts,
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
5 inches long (Author: NellsRocks)
Andalusite (variety chiastolite)
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts,
Andalusite var. chiastolite
Lancaster, Massachusetts, USA
4.5 x 5.0 cm.
Backlit thin slice. (Author: crosstimber)
Andalusite var. c
Lancaster, Massac
Andalusite var. chiastolite
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
7cm (Author: NellsRocks)
Andalusite var. chiastolite
Andalusite var. chiastolite
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA
6.5cm (Author: NellsRocks)
Andalusite var. chiastolite
Andradite (Garnet Group) with Quartz (variety amethyst)
Stanley Butte area, Stanley Butte, Stanley District, San Carlos Indian Reservation, Graham County, Arizona, USA
8.3 cm x 5.7 cm (Author: rweaver)
Andradite (Garnet Group) with Quartz (variety amethyst)
Stanley Butte area, Stanley Butte, Stanley District, San Carlos Indian Reservation, G
Andradite (heavily etched) and Quartz, Orogrande, Otero County, NM. About 10 cm. (Author: Darren)
Andradite (heavily etched) and Qua
Andradite (Topazolite)
Yellow Cat Mine, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, USA
Mined: November 1998
Specimen size: 5.4 × 4 × 1.4 cm.
Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.4 cm.
Photo: Reference Specimens (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Andradite (Topazo
Yellow Cat Mine,
Andradite garnet. Garnet Hill Mine (Rheona Claim), Garnet Hill, Calaveras Co., California. 7 x 5 cm. Main crystal measures 2 cm. (Author: Antonio Alcaide)
Andradite garnet. Garnet Hill Mine
Heß Quarry, Münchberg Metamorphic complex, Wurlitz, Oberkotzau, Hof, Oberfranken, Bavaria/Bayern, Germany
Approx. 8-10 cm (Author: Tobi)
Heß Quarry, Münchb
Correboi Mine, Villagrande Strisaili, Nuoro Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
50 x 38 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Correboi Mine, Villa
Perda Niedda Mine, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
58 x 45 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Perda Niedda Mine, D
Friedrich mine, Wissen, Siegerland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
8 mm crystal (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Friedrich mine, Wissen,
Mona Mine, Parys Mountain, Amlwch, Anglesey, Wales, UK
Anglesite crystals to 10mm.
From the type locality and very good for the location. Ex Dr T B Wilson (1807-1865) and William S Vaux (1811-82) Collections from the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences Collection.
Collected c1790 when the mine worked through the gossan. (Author: ian jones)
Mona Mine, Parys Mountai
Anglesite, Galena
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
47,6 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Anglesite, Galena
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
47,6 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Anglesite, Galena
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
47,6 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
45 x 31 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mi
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 51 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mi
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 51 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Anglesite, Galena
Monteponi Mi
Bunker Hill Mine, Bunker Hill properties, Kellogg, Coeur d'Alene District, Shoshone County, Idaho, USA
5.0 cm x 4.8cm (Author: rweaver)
Bunker Hill Mine, Bu
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
36 x 30 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Montevecchio Mines,
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
25 x 15 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
76 x 34 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
58 x 58 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
40,6 x 23 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
35 x 29,6 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
51 x 42 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 51 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 51 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Monteponi Mine, Igle
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 38 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Montevecchio Mines,
Montevecchio Mines, Arbus, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
62 x 38 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Montevecchio Mines,
Conow shaft, Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany
4 - 6 mm crystals (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Conow shaft, Ludwigslust
Ankerite - Empire Mine, Gilman, Eagle Co., Colorado 9.6 cm (Author: crosstimber)
Ankerite - Empire Mine, Gilman, Ea
Another chunk that came from the same huge log. (Author: Paul Bordovsky)
Another chunk that came from the s
Another detail (Author: John S. White)
Another detail
Another thenardite. Soda Lake, San Luis Obispo Co., California. 5,5 x 4 cm. (Author: Antonio Alcaide)
Another thenardite. Soda Lake, San
Another view, better showing the octahedral habit of the District Fluorite. (Author: Ed Huskinson)
Another view, better showing the o
Another, but much coarser, wire copper from Botallack 3x2". (Author: ian jones)
Another, but much coarser, wire c
Pelham, Massachusetts, USA
6.1 x 11.3 cm. (Author: crosstimber)
Pelham, Massachus
State Line Chromite District, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, USA
2x3x2 cm
Collect while you’re young,old age creeps up fast... (Author: Chris Foltz)
State Line Chromite Dis
Antigorite var. picrolite - Belvidere Mt. Quarries, Eden-Lowell (Author: crosstimber)
Antigorite var. picrolite - Belvid
Antimony (native)
Su Suergiu Mine, Villasalto, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
23 x 21 mm (the biggest) (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Antimony (native)
Su Suergiu M
Shattuck Mine, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
6.0cm x 3.5cm (Author: rweaver)
Shattuck Mine, Bisbe
Apache mine, Globe, Arizona. Size 6X3 cm. (Author: Vinoterapia)
Apache mine, Globe, Arizona. Size
Colcerrow Quarry, Lanlivey, Cornwall, England, UK
Crystal 13mm (Author: ian jones)
Colcerrow Quarry, Lanlivey
Einigkeiter mine, Sauberg, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
6 x 4 cm
Old specimen from the 1850s. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Einigkeiter mine, Sauberg,
King Lithia Mine, Keystone, Pennington Co., South Dakota, USA
3.2 cm x 5.0 cm (Author: rweaver)
King Lithia Mine, Keystone
Apatite with quartz and lepidolite, Himalaya Mine. Apatite crystal is 1.5 cm across. (Author: Jesse Fisher)
Apatite with quartz and lepidolite
Apatite, Tourmaline, Quartz
Bovey Tracey, Devon, England, UK
~20cm long
Bovey is a classic location.
In the Sedgwick museum Cambridge. (Author: James)
Apatite, Tourmaline, Quartz
Huron River near Milan, OH
Crystal is 0.56 mm across
composite of 7 images (Author: Pete Richards)
Huron River near
Pulsifer Quarry,
Auburn, Maine
2.5cm. x 6.0cm. (Author: rweaver)
Pulsifer Quarry,
Pente Pit, Osnabrück, Osnabrück District, Lower Saxony/Niedersachsen, Germany
7 mm crystal (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Pente Pit, Osnabrück,
Castle Danger, Minnesota, USA
The apophyllites are about 2 cm
These are part of a large (40 cm) rock (coarsely crystallized gabbro) found last weekend on the coast of Lake Superior that split perfectly down the middle revealing a number of pockets. Now for some extensive work with the rock trimmer to turn these into specimens. (Author: John Nash)
Castle Danger, Minneso
Millington Quarry, Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
5.5 x 4 cm
Tabular apophyllite crystals to 3.2 cm on datolite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Millington Quarry, Ber
Millington Quarry, Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
7 x 5 cm
Apophyllite crystals to 6.8 cm with pyrite inclusions, on datolite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Millington Quarry, Ber
Upper New Street quarry, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
8.8 x 7 cm
A 5 cm apophyllite crystal with stilbite and calcite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Upper New Street quarr
Apophyllite (Series), Calcite, Julgoldite (Series)
Andesite Quarry, Kreimbach-Kaulbach, Lauterecken-Wolfstein, Kusel, Rhineland-Palatinate/Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
5 x 4 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Apophyllite (Series), Calcite, Julgoldite (Series)
Andesite Quarry, Kreimbach-Kaulbach, Lauterecken-Wolfstein, Kusel, Rhineland-Palatinate/Rhe
Apophyllite and datolite
Millington Quarry, Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
9.2 x 7.6 cm
Pink apophyllite rosettes to 3.8 cm on datolite with pyrite and calcite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Apophyllite and datolite
Apophyllite and pectolite
Millington Quarry, Bernards Township, New Jersey, USA
8.2 x 6.9 cm
A 3.3 cm apophyllite crystal on peach colored pectolite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Apophyllite and pectolite
Apophyllite and pectolite
Millington Quarry, Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
8 x 5.9 cm
Striated apophyllite crystals to 1.9 cm on pectolite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Apophyllite and pectolite
Apophyllite and Pectolite
Snake (Laurel Hill), New Jersey, USA
2 cm long
added note on Snake Hill - galena and magnetite are uncommon in the rest of NJ trap rocks. Snake Hill has also produced some interesting micros. (Author: John Medici)
Apophyllite and Pectolite
Snake (L
Apophyllite on calcite
Onion River, near Lutsen, Cook County, Minnesota, USA
6.5 X 4 X 4 cm
A fine calcite crystal with a number of clear apophyllites on it. (Author: John Nash)
Apophyllite on ca
Onion River, near
Apophyllite on calcite
Onion River, near Lutsen, Cook County, Minnesota, USA
3.5 X 3 X 3 cm
A stubby little calcite crystal with many clear apophyllites growing on the top. (Author: John Nash)
Apophyllite on ca
Onion River, near
Apophyllite on Magnetite
Cornwall, Pa.
7.7cm x 6.2cm (Author: rweaver)
Apophyllite on Ma
Cornwall, Pa.
Apophyllite, 8x7 cm., Southbury, CT. (Author: vic rzonca)
Apophyllite, 8x7 cm., Southbury, C
Apophyllite, datolite & pectolite
Francisco Brothers Quarry, Great Notch, Little Falls, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
13.2 x 9.9 cm
Apophyllite crystals to 3.4 cm with datolite on pectolite; previously in the American Museum of Natural History, and pictured on page 37 of Trap Rock Minerals of New Jersey. (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Apophyllite, datolite & pectol
Apophyllite, Natrolite and Galena
Snake (Laurel Hill), New Jersey, USA
Apophyllite on natrolite & galena (Author: John Medici)
Apophyllite, Natrolite and Galena
Apophyllite-(KF), calcite
Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey, USA
12 cm (Author: Gary Moldovany)
Apophyllite-(KF), calcite
Upper Ne
Centerville, Va.
7.3cm x 4.3cm (Author: rweaver)
Centerville, Va.
Onion River, near Lutsen, Cook County, Minnesota, USA
Field of view 3 cm
A close up of the apophyllite showing the clarity. (Author: John Nash)
Onion River, near
4.8cm x 1.3cm (Author: rweaver)
4.8cm x 1.3cm
Aquamarine on Hematite
4.0cm x 3.8cm
Former collection of Leo and Marion Horensky (Author: rweaver)
Aquamarine on Hematite
4.0cm x 3.8
Aquamarine on Quartz
Rice Quarry, Groton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire, USA
3.5cm x 3.1cm (Author: rweaver)
Aquamarine on Quartz
Rice Quarry,
Grafton, New Hampshire
1.8cm x 5.6cm (Author: rweaver)
Grafton, New Hamp
Goose Green mine, Frizington, Cumbria, Englan, UK
~15cm high
In the Sedgwick museum Cambridge (Author: James)
Goose Green mine, Frizin
Goose Green mine, Frizington, Cumbria, England, UK
20 cm across
In the Sedgwick museum Cambridge (Author: James)
Goose Green mine, Frizin
Aragonite (variety cuprian)
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
15 x 14,5 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite (variety cuprian)
Aragonite (variety cuprian)
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
15 x 14,5 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite (variety cuprian)
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
Storch und Schöneberg Mine, Gosenbach, Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein District, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia/Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
3,5 x 3 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
Storch und Schöneberg Mine, Gosenbach, Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein District, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia/Nordrhein-Westfalen, German
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
10,5 x 6,5 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Ital
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
San Carlo Mine, Contrada Montagne, Fiumedinis, Messina Province, Sicily, Italy
32 x 27 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite (variety flos ferri)
San Carlo Mine, Contrada Montagne, Fiumedinis, Messina Province, Sicily, Ital
Aragonite and Calcite
Warren District
near Bisbee
Cochise County, Arizona
United States of America
85.0 x 55.0 x 58.0 mm overall (Author: GneissWare)
Aragonite and Cal
Warren Di
Aragonite and Dolomite (variety ferroan dolomite) on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
geode is 11cm in diameter. The aragonite sprays (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite and Dolomite (variety ferroan dolomite) on Quartz
Aragonite and Dolomite (veriety ferroan dolomite) on Quartz
Former State Route 37 road cuts, Bloomington (North), Monroe County, Indiana, USA
Aragonite is 7 cm max dimension (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite and Dolomite (veriety ferroan dolomite) on Quartz
Former State Route 37 road cuts, Bloomington (North
Aragonite on Dolomite (variety ferroan)
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
the cavity is 11 cm x 5.5 cm the aragonite needles (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Dolomite (variety ferroan)
Monroe County, In
Aragonite on Quartz.
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
The aragonite needles are mostly from 4 mm - 6 mm (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Quartz.
Monroe Co
Aragonite on Quartz.
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
The geode is about 13 cm while most of the aragoni (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Quartz.
Monroe Co
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
oval geode is 12cm x 7cm. The aragonite sprays (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe Cou
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
oval geode is 12cm x 7cm. The aragonite sprays (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe Cou
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
the diverging aragonite sprays are 2 cm - 3 cm. (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite on Quartz
Monroe Cou
Aragonite or Kaolinite on Calcite on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
Geode is 10 cm. the larger of the 2 Calcites is 2. (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite or Kaolinite on Calcite on Quartz
Monroe County
Aragonite or Kaolinite on Calcite on Quartz
Monroe County, Indiana, USA
Geode is 8 cm. The Calcite is 2 cm (Author: Bob Harman)
Aragonite or Kaolinite on Calcite on Quartz
Monroe County
Aragonite var. flos ferri
Pfingstwiese mine, Bad Ems, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
7,5 x 6,5 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Aragonite var. flos ferri
Aragonite, Sulphur
55 x 40 mm
(Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite, Sulphur
Aragonite, Sulphur
Giumentaro Mine (Capodarso Mine), Capodarso, Enna (Castrogiovanni), Enna Province, Sicily, Italy
64 x 41 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite, Sulphur
Aragonite, Sulphur
Giumentaro Mine (Capodarso Mine), Capodarso, Enna (Castrogiovanni), Enna Province, Sicily, Italy
64 x 41 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite, Sulphur
Aragonite, Sulphur
Giumentaro Mine (Capodarso Mine), Capodarso, Enna (Castrogiovanni), Enna Province, Sicily, Italy
10 x 9 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite, Sulphur
Aragonite, Sulphur
Giumentaro Mine (Capodarso Mine), Capodarso, Enna (Castrogiovanni), Enna Province, Sicily, Italy
10 x 9 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Aragonite, Sulphur
Bloomington, Indiana
10.0cm x 8.0cm (Author: rweaver)
Bloomington, Indi
Schlüsselstollen adit, Klostermansfeld, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Harz, Saxony-Anhalt/Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
82 x 67 x 18 mm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Schlüsselstollen ad
Belvidere Mountain Quarries, Lowell & Eden, Orleans and Lamoille Counties, Vermont, USA
7.0cm x 5.0cm (Author: rweaver)
Belvidere Mountain Q
State Route 37 road cuts, Harrodsburg, Clear Creek Township, Monroe County, Indiana, USA
5 cm vug containing 2 cm Aragonite sprays (Author: Bob Harman)
State Route 37 road
Northern California Coast Ranges, California Coast Ranges, California, USA
8x7x2 cm (Author: Scot Krueger)
Northern California
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
85,5 x 59 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
15,5 x 10,5 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
15,5 x 10,5 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
83,5 x 59 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
80 x 52 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
80 x 52 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
23 x 20 cm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
San Giovanni Mine, P
Wenzel mine, Oberwolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
4,3 x 2,2 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Wenzel mine, Oberwolfach,
Carrock Mine, Smith vein, Carrock Fell, Caldbeck Fells, Allerdale, former Cumberland, Cumbria, England / United Kingdom
Crystal 25 mm across (Author: Andy Lawton)
Carrock Mine, Smi
Arthurite and olivenite
Hingston Down Consols, Gunnislake, Cornwall, England, UK
55x45mm. (Author: ian jones)
Arthurite and olivenite
Hingston D
As is the case with most of my type locality minerals this is not real showy. The bright yellow crust is Pottsite from Linka Mine, Spencer Hot Springs District, near Potts, Lander county, Nevada. The piece is about 1 1/8" x 1" (2.86 x 2.54 cm) (Author: Jim Prentiss)
As is the case with most of my typ
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach, Kaiserstuhl, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
FOV 3’5 cm.
More augite crystals. (Author: prcantos)
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach,
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach, Kaiserstuhl, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
FOV 3’5 cm.
Idiomorphic augite crystals in the same rock. (Author: prcantos)
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach,
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach, Kaiserstuhl, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
4’5 x 3 cm. (Author: prcantos)
Limberg Quarries, Sasbach,
Aurichalcite and Calcite
Cole Mine (Cole shaft), Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
6.5cm x 5.5cm (Author: rweaver)
Aurichalcite and Calcite
Aurichalcite and Hemimorphite
79 Mine, Chilito, Hayden area, Banner District, Dripping Spring Mountains, Gila County, Arizona, USA
8.5cm x 6.5cm (Author: rweaver)
Aurichalcite and Hemimorphite
Aurichalcite, Kelly Mine, Socorro county. Thumbnail. (Author: Darren)
Aurichalcite, Kelly Mine, Socorro
79 Mine, Chilito, Hayden area, Banner District, Dripping Spring Mountains, Gila County, Arizona, USA
Specimen size 6 cm (Author: Tobi)
79 Mine, Chilito,
Tiny-Arenas Mine, Oridda Valley, Fluminimaggiore, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
27 x 25 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Tiny-Arenas Mine,
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill District, Deep Creek Mountains, Tooele County, Utah, USA
field of view is 1.0" (2.54 cm)
Here is some Austinite from the type locality at Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill District, Deep Creek Mountains, Tooele County, Utah. The field of view is 1.0" (2.54cm). Don’t pay any attention to the little cotton fiber, I obviously didn’t. (Author: Jim Prentiss)
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hil
Autunite / Meta-autunite
Daybreak Mine, Elk, Spokane Co., Washington, EUA
2,9 x 3,2 x 2,1 cm (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Autunite / Meta-autunite
Leipziger Glück Mine, Johanngeorgenstadt, Johanngeorgenstadt District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen, Germany
4,5 x 3,5 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Leipziger Glück Mine
Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
10.7 x 8.8 cm
Bladed azurite crystals to 3.8 cm with malachite on limonite (Author: Frank Imbriacco)
Bisbee, Cochise County, Ar
La Sal, La Sal District, San Juan Co., Utah, USA
Specimen size 5.5 x 5 cm. (Author: am mizunaka)
La Sal, La Sal District, S
Nacimiento Copper Mine, Sandoval County, New Mexico, USA
14.0 x 12.7 cm
From a find 15 years ago (Author: Philip Simmons)
Nacimiento Copper Mine, Sa
Neubulach, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
8 x 6 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Neubulach, Black Forest, B
Azurite and Cerussite
Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine, St. Anthony deposit, Tiger, Mammoth District, Pinal County, Arizona, USA
5.0cm x 4.5cm (Author: rweaver)
Azurite and Cerussite
Azurite and Malachite
Silver Hill Mine group, Waterman District, Waterman Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, USA
7.0cm x 10.0cm (Author: rweaver)
Azurite and Malachite
Silver H
Azurite on Dolomite
Schmitt dolomite Quarry, Altenmittlau, Freigericht, Main-Kinzig-Kreis District, Spessart, Hesse/Hessen, Germany
Specimen size 3,5 cm, azurite (Author: Tobi)
Azurite on Dolomite
Schmitt do
Azurite on Dolomite
Schmitt dolomite Quarry, Altenmittlau, Freigericht, Main-Kinzig-Kreis District, Spessart, Hesse/Hessen, Germany
Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.4 cm (Author: Jordi Fabre)
Azurite on Dolomite
Schmitt do
Azurite on Malachite
Flambeau Mine, Ladysmith, Rusk County, Wisconsin, USA
FOV 6 mm
Self Collected
Dan Behnke Photo and specimen (Author: Jonesey)
Azurite on Malachite
Flambeau Mine
Azurite with Malachite
New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co.
6.8cm x 3.7cm (Author: rweaver)
Azurite with Mala
New Cornelia Mine
Azurite with Malachite
Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA
4.0 x 3.3 cm (Author: am mizunaka)
Azurite with Malachite
Copper Quee
Azurite with Malachite
Morenci Mine, Morenci, Copper Mountain District, Shannon Mountains, Greenlee County, Arizona, USA
6.6cm x 5.4cm (Author: rweaver)
Azurite with Malachite
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
73 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardini
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
73 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardini
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy
73 x 40 mm (Author: Sante Celiberti)
Azurite, Chalcocite, Phillipsburgite, Theisite
Sa Duchesa Mine, Oridda Valley, Domusnovas, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardini
Azurite, Grant County, NM - nice little thumbnail! (Author: Darren)
Azurite, Grant County, NM - nice l
Azurite, malachite
Kronprinz mine, Kamsdorf, Thuringia, Germany
6 x 4 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Azurite, malachite
Kronprinz mine,
Azurite, malachite
Ueckermünde, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany
11 x 8 cm (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)
Azurite, malachite
Ueckermünde, Me