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Geological sketch of Panjshir emerald deposit area

In accord to referenced paper, Kamar Safed (White Rock in Dari language) is a mine in the right margin of Khenj river which is the main emerald mining area in Panjshir

Extracted from:
Bruno Sabot, Alain Cheilletz, Philippe de Donato, David A. Banks, Gilles Levresse, Odile Barrès†. (2000) Afghan emeralds face Colombian cousins. Chronique de la Recherche Minière 541. 111-114 (Author: Josele)

Geological sketch of Panjshir emerald deposit area

In accord to referenced paper, Kamar Safed (White Rock in Dari language) is a mine in the right margin of Khenj river which is the main emerald mining area in Panjshir

Extracted from:
Bruno Sabot, Alain Cheilletz, Philippe de Donato, David A. Banks, Gilles Levresse, Odile Barrès†. (2000) Afghan emeralds face Colombian cousins. Chronique de la Recherche Minière 541. 111-114 (Author: Josele)

Dimensions: 1600 x 1600
File size: 189.06 kbytes
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