A prone Scott Werschky and John White tag teaming a pocket with quartz crystals. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
A prone Scott Werschky and John Wh
Another exposed quartz pocket with wooden chopsticks for scale. Many sceptered quartz are head down in the pockets, possibly from the weight of the scepter head drawn down into the clay by gravity. Quartz crystals on the walls of the pockets are typically unremarkable and are simple hexagonal columnar specimens with "normal" terminations. It is interesting to note that many pockets only contain one or two nice crystals and the rest are insignificant in comparison. Ronna’s pocket was large enough to prove to be an exception. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Another exposed quartz pocket with
Another exposed quartz pocket. Once surrounding granitics were pulled back, these pockets could be detected by gray to brown to blackish clay containing quartz shards. Probing with wooden chopsticks was key to extracting specimens with no or little damage. However, some pockets were totally crushed by tectonic activity prior to collector activity. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Another exposed quartz pocket. On
Foster Hallman, former owner with over 4 decades of experience on Petersen Mt., running the Hitachi excavator. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Foster Hallman, former owner with
Ian Merkel and Nick Skirkanich exposing a nice large quartz crystal point. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ian Merkel and Nick Skirkanich exp
Ian Merkel attempting to reach more specimens from Ronna’s pocket. Jerry Rosenthal, who worked the pocket with Ronna is standing next to Ian. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ian Merkel attempting to reach mor
Ian Merkel, an exposed quartz pocket, and Scott Werschky. Ian is a senior geologist working at FMI-Climax’s Henderson mine (Mo) in Colorado, and Scott is a noted mineral dealer known as Mr. Round Mt. gold boy. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ian Merkel, an exposed quartz pock
Jerry Rosenthal holding one of the quartz scepter specimens from he and Ronna’s pocket. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Jerry Rosenthal holding one of the
John S. White scored early with a fine amethyst quartz floater. Don’t let the name on the box fool you. John is not pure except in knowledge! Ha, ha! (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
John S. White scored early with a
John Veevaert on the left is expressing his "disappointment" to mucho ebullient Nick Skirkanich upon Nick finding another fine quartz head. Dan Kennedy is in the background, finding a lot of humor in the moment. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
John Veevaert on the left is expre
Ken Roberts and vintner Brett Keller in a lighter moment of digging quartz crystals on Petersen Mountain. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ken Roberts and vintner Brett Kell
Ken Roberts working a pocket. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ken Roberts working a pocket.
Ken Roberts, Neil Prenn and Ian Merkel checking fresh ground for pockets. Ian worked for the consortium of owners and was a great help. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ken Roberts, Neil Prenn and Ian Me
Ken Roberts, veteran mineral dealer, with another quartz find. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ken Roberts, veteran mineral deale
Neil Prenn intent on digging quartz in a pocket. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Neil Prenn intent on digging quart
Paul Geffner holding a large quartz scepter from a pocket. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Paul Geffner holding a large quart
Paul Geffner holding likely the best specimen from Ronna’s pocket & a significant quartz from Petersen Mtn. Undamaged and not repaired! (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Paul Geffner holding likely the be
Paul Geffner, Scott Wershky and Noel Dedora on site conferring about the dig. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Paul Geffner, Scott Wershky and No
Portland, Oregon father-son collectors Jack (left) and Floyd (right) enjoying the dig. Son Jack found a very clear amethyst scepter point in the pocket, undamaged, and the point of the scepter in the amethyst head could clearly be seen. Floyd is one of the owners of Jackson Crossroads in Georgia. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Portland, Oregon father-son collec
Proud papa Scott Werschky showing his keeper amethyst quartz scepter that he had just extracted from his pocket. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Proud papa Scott Werschky showing
Proud papa Skirkanich holding his newly found quartz specimen. Scott Werschky coveting his find in the background. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Proud papa Skirkanich holding his
Ronna Jewett, discoverer of the mondo best pocket holding a small quartz from her find. The pocket exceeded 4 feet (1.3 m) in depth by the time it was finished. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Ronna Jewett, discoverer of the mo
Safety meeting on site before digging led by Paul Geffner. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
Safety meeting on site before digg
The current bottom of the mondo Ronna pocket worked by her and Jerry. There are some quartz crystals showing in the sericite-rich clay. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
The current bottom of the mondo Ro
The motley crew of Tony Potucek, Ken Roberts, and Neil Prenn enjoying a brief respite during the quartz dig. Photo by Scott Werschky. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)
The motley crew of Tony Potucek, K